Friday, April 30, 2010

First Blog about San Diego Joints, Movies and Music

First Blog Ever: by Luis Montes

My first blog must be about one of my favorite movies, musicians, burgers, bars, tacos and pizzas of all time.

Movie: Naming your favorite movie is ridiculously difficult. From directors like Scorsese, Hitchcock, Coppola, and Leone the amount of great movies is endless. This is my top twelve in no particular order.

1. Godfather
2. Godfather II
3. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
4. Goodfellas
5. Star Wars: A New Hope (the original first one)
6. The Shawshank Redemption
7. Pulp Fiction
8. North by Northwest
9. Dances with Wolves
10. The Bridge on the River Kwai
11. Spartacus
12. City Lights

Musicians: This category might seem as hard as choosing the best movie, but when you have a band like the Beatles there is no need for discussion. The Beatles are the most influential band of all time! Several bands have come after that have brought with them a certain unique style, but they owe it all to the Beatles. Elvis comes close, but he never wrote any of his music, thus making him an all-time best musician pointless. Nowadays the best bands are the Strokes, Radiohead, Arctic Monkeys, Bonobo and anything that Dan the Automator produces. Best Local band is Lady Dottie and the Diamonds, see their soulful rock n roll every Monday at U-31.

Burger: In 'n' Out makes a mean burger, but to get the best burger you'll need to venture outside of the fast food world. In San Diego there are a plethora of burger joints to check out. The best in town for taste is the Cheese Burger at Nunu's. Probably the best burger from one of the places less known in San Diego. This griddle has been making burgers for many years, thus adding genuine greasy flavor to every burger made. Never a dry patty, that you might get from other burger places from time to time, and some of the cheapest and stiffest drinks in town. You can't miss at Nunu's.

Bar: Speaking of Nunu's this place is also one of the best bars in San Diego. Centrally located in the uptown area (cross streets are Upas/5th street). This dive bar used to be my favorite, but it has changed dramatically over the last 4 years. The cool jukebox and old booths are gone, replaced with about a dozen tv's, BUT if you want to find a place where the people don't really care how you dress or look, than Nunu's is still one of the best. Have a burger and Negra Modelo beer!

Taco: San Diego has so many Mexican food joints. The first one I'll talk about is Porkylands, arguably the best Carnitas in Southern California. Have a carnitas taco or burrito or monster burrito (if your really hungary).

Pizza: Best pizza joint in San Diego is easily Bronx Pizza located in the Mission Hills area. The mouth watering New York style thin crust pizza will never have you wanting any other pizza.

Let me know what you think. I'll have new movies, music, burgers, bars, tacos and pizza to write about soon!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Power Point Movie Presentation

Power Point Movie Presentation

You are going to create a PPT that discusses a film in movie history that has made an impact on society. You get to choose the movie, but you have to convince the audience why the movie is a "GREAT" movie. YOU do not have to see the movie OR already have seen it, but it does help. The PowerPoint has to have at least 9-10 slides including the following:

  • (1) intro slide with the Title of the Presentation, including movie and your name
  • (2) Slides that tell the Story, Setting, Plot, Ending, etc. (use a pictures)
  • (3) slides featuring three different characters including pictures, character names, character info, actor names, etc. (use a pictures)
  • (1) Slide that discusses the Director of the movie including short bio, other movies directed, and any special style he or she uses. (use a picture)
  • (1) Slide with STATISTICS form the film including: How much money did it take to make the movie (budget)? How much money did it make (gross revenue)? Did the movie win any awards? What is the running time (How long is it)?
  • (1 or 2) Slides discussing why you like the movie, why you chose it, why you think it's "great", what kind of impact it had on society (if any). Add anything that you would state in order to convince someone that they absolutely have to see this movie. Have your best picture here! (use a picture)
You may use any website to help in your research, including the official website of the movie, Wikipedia, or other film websites like or

You can pick a movie form the following lists that have some of the all time greatest movies:

Internet Database top 250
American Film Institute top 100 and Updated list
New York Times 1000 best Movies
Teen, High School and College Movies